Landscape / Kaziranga Iora Retreat, Assam

Landscape / Kaziranga Iora Retreat, Assam

Kaziranga Iora Retreat Phase II


Client: Janambhumi Hotels and Resorts Pvt Ltd
Architect: Design Accord
Area: 1 acre
Status: Design Closure

Located in the farthest corner of the nation, this already well now forest resort wanted to expand, owing to high tourist influx with a denser development of floors.

Our design for the architectural block was perched into a corner strip of slopping contours levels staggering along its length and opening up vitas to the hills and forest . The architectural style combined the local pitched roof for high rainfall, modern aesthetics and use of bamboo in its façade to bring in local flavour. The rooms look inwardly towards a sharply dropping terraced garden merging into the valley and across the same a floating glass pavilion perched on tree top for a panoramic view enjoying immersive landscape settings.
